
2024-2025 Registration is Now Open!

2024-2025 K-12 Lottery

Registration for children with acceped transfers must be completed asap but no later than two weeks from acceptance date, otherwise, we will assume that you changed your mind and do not want to transfer your child and we will offer the seat to the next student in the waitlist. Please contact the new school directly to obtain more information.

Los estudiantes con transferencias aceptados deben ser registrados para la nueva escuela inmediatamente (no  debe pasar más de 2 semanas a partir de la fecha de aceptación, de lo contrario, asumiremos que cambio de opinion, y se lo ofreceremos al siguiente estudiante en la lista de espera. Por favor contacte a la nueva escuela para más información.

2024-2025 Lottery Results Video

Didn't Apply? You still can apply!

Priorities Ended 1/31/24

Lottery Ran on 2/8/24 and will continue to refresh until the 20th day of the 24-25 school year.


Pre-K Lottery Opens 12/1/23

Priorities End 2/15/24

Lottery Runs 2/28/24

2024-2025 pre-K Lottery

is Still Open

2024-2025 SFPS Employee

Early Child Care Center Lottery

If you have any issues with your account, please email studentdataoffice@sfps.k12.nm.us or call (505) 467-4111 for support.

Transfer Applications

2023-2024 K-12 Lottery is

Now Closed

2023-2024 K-12 Transfer Appeal is Now Closed

For additional questions, please contact your home zone school or email studentdataoffice@sfps.k12.nm.us