SFPS Early Childhood Center

Our mission is to create an early care and education program that promotes child well-being, family participation, and a work-related resource for district employees.
The Beliefs that Guide our Teaching and Learning Relationship
Children are competent and capable learners.
Children learn and represent their understanding of life and the world around them in multiple ways.
Children learn best when curriculum and program experiences reflect their strengths and interests.
Teachers have the right to be actively engaged in the decisions and direction of their school.
Families have the right to be actively engaged in their children’s education and are considered partners with teachers.
Authentic learning occurs when identity, culture, and community are valued and become vehicles for learning.
All adults and children are researchers as they investigate, interpret and construct understanding.
It is important to provide time to build relationships and deepen learning.
Collaboration is essential for respectful and productive learning to take place.
Learning Environment
A thoughtfully-designed, welcoming environment communicates respect for children, families, and teachers.
Intentional learning environments promote wonder and learning, auto control, and independence.
It makes children’s learning visible.
Who is Eligible?
Children of full-time district employees who are 12 months to 3 years old by August 31.
Seventy percent of the seats available will be offered to instructional staff.
Seats available and ratios:
12 months - 24 months - 12 seats; 6:1 child-to-adult ratio
24 months - 36 months- 14 seats; 8:1 child-to-adult ratio
36 months - 16 seats; 8:1 child to adult ratio
Due to limited capacity, only families seeking 5-days of care will be eligible. Before and aftercare are optional.

Ramirez Thomas Elementary- Early Childhood
3200 Calle Po Ae Pi, Santa Fe, NM 87507
(505 ) 467-3000

Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday; open from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
7:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. - Before care
8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.- Core hrs.
3:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. pick up hrs.
3:30 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. - Aftercare
*Follow the 9-month contract calendar*
SY26 Lottery window : January 6 - March 30th
Employees will be notified no later than April 10.
For additional information contact Patricia Azuara at pazuara@sfps.k12.nm.us

About the Lottery
Seats are limited and offered through a lottery. Employees must apply during the lottery window.
All applications received during the established lottery deadlines will participate in the lottery.
The lottery process ranks the applications received within the established deadline according to the priorities listed below.
Having a sibling attending the center.
Full-time teachers and educational assistants work directly in the classroom. Seventy percent of the seats will be allocated to teachers and educational assistants.
All other SFPS staff.
Late applications will be placed on the waitlist in the order in which their applications are received.
Priorities will not be considered after the lottery period.
All applicants will receive an email after the lottery is run. This will be sent to the email
address provided
in the application. The parent/ guardian must send an email accepting or declining the seat within ten calendar days. A failure to reply, for any reason, will result in the forfeiture of their seat. It is the family's responsibility to check their email, including the spam folder.

$150 a month for educational support professionals
$250 a month for teachers, administrators, and district staff
There is additional cost for aftercare (3:30 to 4:30)
For more information, contact Patricia Azuara, Early Childhood Center Director, at pazuara@sfps.k12.nm.us