Summative Assessments

The Assessment For Learning Department administers summative assessments annually to measure academic achievement of all students, including English learners and students with disabilities. The district’s summative assessments satisfy the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and provide actionable data on the progress our students are making toward mastering academic standards. SFPS summative assessments are administered in:

  • Reading and/or language arts in grades K-8 and grades 10-11;

  • Mathematics in grades K-8 and grades10-11; and

  • Science in grades 5, 8, and 11.

For more information about these assessments, please visit:

IStation Indicators of Student Progress (ISIP)

New Mexico Measures of Student Success & Achievement (NM-MSSA)

New Mexico Assessment of Science Readiness


SAT School Day

SBA Spanish Reading